SYMBÉS P&L: -61.3 (≃ -4180 CNY)

Symbiotic Creativity as The Way YAML 项目 产品

A collective of projects with a shared vision to promote symbiotic creativity rather than solo creativity.

You can join our collective, simply make a comment on this page.


Instinto Creador in Argentina KOKONO in Ireland

年度 内部收益率: -1.0000
最新 净现值@贴现率=0.1: -21.9026 ħ (-1494.75 CNY)
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Symbés回来了!我们的共生艺术将很快在 SDGs 展示 with Doingud!也学习 NFT,哈哈。敬请关注。

((而且似乎 SYMBÉS 实际上正在捕捉其作为共生沉浸式艺术集体的身份,其他东西可能会留在我们的其他项目中,例如 Instinto Creador 和 KOKONO。))

Symbés are back! Our symbiotic art will be at SDGs showcase with Doingud soon! Learning about NFTs too, lol. Stay tuned.

((And it seems that SYMBÉS are in fact capturing its identity as a symbiotic immersive art collective, other things will probably stay in our other projects such as Instinto Creador and KOKONO.))

    : Inyuki
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嘿嘿,所以我们的车间测试发生了!以下是 7 人(4 对)的车间测试反馈:

  • “我想在[混沌细菌]的前3个练习中停留更长的时间,比如30分钟!他们很有趣!很好的结合方式,打破壁垒,在大事之前,嘲笑另一个你不认识的人,然后是深刻的事情!然后飞!一起创作音乐之类的东西的感觉。从表面到深处!”

  • “美丽的旅程” x2

  • “视频太有用了,没有它,很难理解练习”

  • MIRO:“对于刚接触 Miro 的人来说,Miro 很难”

  • 说明:“没有主持人解释第一个练习 [问候蝴蝶效应],很难理解该怎么做!”


  • “第一个练习,【蝴蝶效应】3分钟时间太短了!”

  • “我们不明白在前两个圈子里该做什么......我们需要点击那些便签并在那里添加我们的兴趣......”

  • “我们不明白我们是否需要从前两个圆圈做一只蝴蝶还是什么?”,“我们不明白两个圆圈是蝴蝶翅膀......”,“中间那个绿色的粘性物质是什么?”


  • 1 对:“我们做到了,只是通过阅读说明。 25分钟足够了”

  • 2对:“有很多时间,我们甚至还有时间聊天”,“有趣,很好,但我们想知道有什么意义?”

  • 3对:“最后1分钟活动时间不够,因为我们潜入混沌主线很久了!” [鲁塔:让我们多加 3 分钟?]、“把这个大活动留到最后,因为人们可以深入这个活动”、“挥手……好玩!我们很快就会开始创造一些疯狂的东西!看到活动扩大会很酷..”、“真的很喜欢,让我想起了一次静修经历,就在“那又怎样”之后他们说“谢谢””


  • 重新思考米罗破冰船

  • 为蝴蝶效应活动增加更多时间(从 3 到 7 分钟?)并创建视频说明、更好的文本说明和手绘形状

  • 为混沌练习增加 3 分钟

  • 绝对辅导员应该在打开分组讨论之前解释练习

  • 让视频更快

  • 混沌后的共创练习!

  • 之后添加匹配参与者的联系表?

更新:我们得到了更多反馈,所以这里是 一个文档,其中包含关于我们在测试期间的体验的所有反馈和截图!

Hey hey, so our workshop test happened! And here is feedback from workshop test with 7 people (4 pairs):

  • “I’d like to stay in the first 3 exercises [of Bacterias in Chaos] longer, like for 30mins! they were fun! nice way to bond, breaking barriers, before the big things, laughing at another person you dont know, then deep things! and then flying! a sensation of creating something, like music, together. from the surface to deep-ness!”

  • “beautiful journey” x2

  • “video were so useful, without it, it would be hard to understand exercises”

  • MIRO: “for people new to Miro, Miro is hard”

  • INSTRUCTIONS: “without facilitator explaining the first exercise [Greetings + Butterfly Effects], it’s hard to understand what to do!”


  • “for the first exercise, [Butterfly Effects] 3mins is way not enough time!”

  • “we did not understand what to do in the first two circles.. that we needed to click on those sticky notes and add our interests there..”

  • “we did not understand if we need to make a butterfly from the first two circles or what?”, “we did not understand that two circles are butterfly wings… “, “what’s that green sticky in the middle?”

CHAOS Activity:

  • 1 pair: “we did it, just by reading instructions. 25mins was enough time”

  • 2 pair: “plenty of time, we even had time left to chat”, “interesting, pretty well, but we wondered what was the point?”

  • 3 pair: “not enough time to do the last 1min activity, cause we dived deep into Chaos main activity for long time!” [Ruta: lets add 3mins extra?], “leave this big activity for the end, because people can go deep into this one”, “waving hands.. playful! we would start creating something crazy soon! would be cool to see activity expanded..”, “really like it, reminded me a retreat experience, just there after “so what” they say “thank you””


  • rethink Miro icebreaker

  • add more time to Butterfly Effects activity (from 3 to 7mins?) and create a video instructions, better text instructions and hand-drawn shapes

  • add 3mins extra for Chaos exercise

  • definitely facilitator should explain the exercises before opening Breakouts

  • make videos faster

  • co-creation exercise after Chaos!

  • add a contact form for matching participants after?

UPDATE: we got more feedback, so here's one document with all feedback and screenshots of how our experience looked like during a test!

    : Mindey, transiency
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I'm very curious what has been recorded in the zoom call. Any chance you will edit it and publish the most interesting element of it?

    : Ruta
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:) 链接的结果只包含上传到 YouTube 的图像,注册一个没有内容的结果有点毫无意义,了解更多会更有趣,比如关于它的报告。

:) The linked result only contains the image of uploading it to YouTube, registering a result without the content kinda pointless, It would be much more fun to get to know more, something like a report on it.

    : Ruta
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UTC 时间周六下午 5 点参加测试研讨会时需要携带的物品:

  • 加入电脑,

  • 会议期间将共享一个公共 Miro 板以供使用,

  • 带上一杯水,

  • 在研讨会期间,每个人都将被要求打开相机(但别担心,我们将对 Zoom 系统进行有趣的破解,以确保每个人都能舒适地观看视频:))

UTC 时间星期六下午 5 点见!

What to bring to test workshop session this Saturday 5pm UTC:

  • join on computer,

  • a public Miro board will be shared for use during the session,

  • bring in a glass of water,

  • everyone will be asked to turn on the camera for the duration of the workshop (but don't worry, we'll have a fun hack of Zoom system to make sure everyone is comforable to be on video :) )

see you Saturday 5pm UTC!

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[Mindey] 很高兴你能加入我们的测试研讨会!星期六似乎更适合太平洋时区的朋友。我知道你现在在日本时区。我想知道如何处理地球上的所有时区 :) 将有 4-6 人参加 - 在研讨会之前了解可用性很重要,因为我们正在测试人们如何成对体验我们的研讨会,所以如果4位朋友参加测试,将组成2对体验工作坊,如果2位朋友加入测试,则只会形成一对。如果3人加入,仍然会形成1对。

总的来说,我建议周六下午 5 点 UTC,我希望你到那时 [Mindey] 醒了!

欢迎其他人加入,只需在此处发表评论或在 Telegram 上给我留言 :)


[Mindey] I'm so happy you'd join us for this test workshop! Saturday seem to work better for friends on pacific time zone. I know you're now on Japanese time zone. I'm wondering how to juggle all the time zones on the planet Earth :) there will be 4-6 people attending - important to know availability before the workshop, because we're testing how people will experience our workshop in pairs, so if 4 friends join the test, 2 pairs will be formed to experience the workshop, and if 2 friends join the test, only one pair will be formed. if 3 people join, still 1 pair will be formed.

overall, I suggest Saturday 5pm UTC, I hope you're awake by then [Mindey]!

and everyone else is welcome to join, just comment here or message me on Telegram :)

A calendar link is right here

    : Mindey
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为什么不呢,也许你有一个日历链接? :)

Why not, perhaps you've got a calendar link? :)

    : Ruta
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挑战:寻找测试人员!本周五世界标准时间下午 5 点,在 1 小时内测试 Zoom 研讨会。谁愿意参与并提供反馈?

Challenge: looking for testers! This Friday 5pm UTC , for 1 hour, testing a workshop on Zoom. Who would like to participate and provide feedback?

    : Mindey
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For a workshop, we're imagining how could participants mimic bacteria - be without a brain and sense through a body. Key question is: how would a bacteria experience a symbiosis, a process of going from chaos to emergence to a whole that is bigger than its parts (which is the journey of creativity we want our participants to learn)?

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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Me & [malü] are hosting a workshop on Symbiotic Creativity at I Am Internet conference yay :)

Our Workshop, Online, Nov 18th, 2021 Symbiotic Creativity workshop on Zoom matches people for 1 hour to blend diversity and experience Intercitizenships! Participants experiment with identity and learn to mimic the behaviours of living systems: symbiotic bacterias. In groups of two, participants evolve to Synergy through a creative symbiosis process. People are invited to continue co-creating after the IAM conference through new technologies!

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我设想这个集体成为 [malü] 提到的组织生态系统。






我们可以作为志愿者运营的会员制组织(就像各种非营利组织一样,例如 JCI、Toastmasters、开放知识基金会等)。不同之处在于,在 SYMBES 中,我们的成员聚集在网上,交流人类发展的最新工具并提高他们的创造能力。当成员在线参加小型“共同创造体验”时,就会发生这种情况。


I envision this collective becoming an Ecosystem of Organisations mentioned by [malü].

Synthesing as I type this:

As a collective we unite professionals and businesses who want to help people in the world to realise true potentials through collaborative creativity.

Our mission could be to advance human development tools and promote symbiotic creativity as a process for human development.

Human development includes all aspects of personal growth, from nutrition to exercise, biohacking, spirituality, creativity as a mental activity, ... and the latest research done on the link of gut health and mental health, the benefits of social activities for wellbeing and longevity, and more. To sum up, seeing creativity as a healthy output out of human development activities (input).

Our core activity could be to facilitate knowledge exchange between members through hands-on co-creation experiences.

We could operate as a volunteer run membership based organisation (like various nonprofit organisations do, e.g.JCI, Toastmasters, Open Knowledge Foundation, etc). The difference is, in SYMBES our members come together online to exchange the latest tools for human development and to advance their creative abilities. This happens when members attend small "co-creation experiences" online.

This is a draft obviously! Editions welcome.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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  • 我们与 [malü] 建立了合作伙伴关系,共同创建一个组织生态系统,在世界不同地点提供创造力培训,并在每个地点拥有不同的网站(和商业注册):KOKONO(“kokonolab. com") 在爱尔兰/欧洲,Instinto Creador 在阿根廷/南美,X 在立陶宛。

  • 我们致力于成为开放的组织并在这里分享我们的流程。如果看到此页面的任何人想与我们合作并共同追求我们的使命,请在此处发表评论。 :)

  • 在爱尔兰,KOKONO LTD 还将为“”下的组织提供令人兴奋的服务

What's new?

  • With [malü] we formed a partnership to work together on creating an ecosystem of organisations that provide a creativity training across different locations in the world and to have a different website (and a business registration) in each location: KOKONO ("") in Ireland/Europe, Instinto Creador in Argentina/South America, X in Lithuania.

  • We're committed to be open organisations and share our process here. If anyone seeing this page would like to collaborate with us and to pursue our mission together, just make a comment here. :)

  • In Ireland, KOKONO LTD will also offer exciting services for organisations under ""

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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精彩的更新即将推出 :)

Fantastic updates coming soon :)

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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