Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands


Just like smoke alarms, but for human bodies.


Fire alarms work sensing alarming levels of fumes, and oximeters work by measuring how red light and infra-red light is absorbed by the blood, which can be done by really small light-powered diodes and photo sensors, connected via bluetooth to phone.

The advantage of oximeter, is in lower false positives rates. When measuring just pulse (heart-rate), the reasons of absence of pulse could be numerous, such as removal of the handband. However, the absence of measurement of oxygen would not raise the alarm. Only the measurement of oxygen level that is dangerously low, would, and automatically summon help.


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[Transiency @ 0D38482D],[] :)

[Transiency@0D38482D], [+] :)

“可穿戴式石墨烯传感器使用环境光监测健康状况” 使用环境光————完全一样的想法,也许您可​​以与他们合作

“Wearable graphene sensors use ambient light to monitor health” use ambient light———— Exactly same idea, mabe you can cooprerate with them


Most of deaths are because of lack of oxygen, so, an indicator in the case of very large spectrum of issues.

从可用性的角度来看,[Nimb](环看起来非常接近,而[Beurer PO60](看起来非常接近。 html)从功能角度来看非常接近。将会很有趣地看到,可以共同实现什么。

It looks like the Nimb rings are very close from usability standpoint, and Beurer PO60 looks very close from functionality point of view. Would be interesting to see, what could be achieved collectively.