问题: 网络空间互联网互联网访问

Internet Browser


All ports, all protocols Internet browser. Open ports and support protocols to direct browsing of databases, and other internet resources, make web browsers support accessing them directly and nicely.


What people currently think of a browser, is a "Web browser," that works on http:// and https:// and primarily 80/443, that are on top of TCP-IP. The idea of "Internet browser" is that any record in any system could have a "url" to any other record in any other system may be useful in many situations, including the creation of semantic web.

Given a good popular data browser, many would probably care to open their databases for public access with default database ports, like 5432, or 27017, for data consumption, and so, we could start using hyperlinks like:


The database programming languages like (PL/SQL, PSL, etc.) would come back to relevance, allowing the flexibility to define the added business logic and functionality, which these days usually is provided by building an API on to of databases.

Today, while most of the web pages on ports 80/443 are open to public, traditionally, most records in databases are behind an authentication, and thus, people are not inclined to make such links (they are inclined to scrape the web rather than properly use databases).

Given an existence and wide knowledge of a good data browser (with ease of use and powerful analytics capabilities on local computers), it is likely to expect that people would care to make proper public access to them, and create a web of data.

Imagine, browsing postgresql://, rdf://, or ethereum:// or rest:// endpoints, or graphql:// endpoints, or gopher://, or ftp:// endpoints, or anything else just as easily as we browse http://, with nice out-of-the-box UI, right inside the browsers.

Since protocols are tightly coupled with software, one path to achieve this is through WebAssembly making traditional software become runnable in browser. Another, is through building clients to support browsing resources all of those protocols, as a "browser" plugin.


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I want a general purpose data editor.

[按时间顺序],我也是。到目前为止,我见过的最通用的UI中有用于非结构化数据的[dynalist](https://dynalist.io)和用于结构化(表格)的[airtable](https://airtable.com) ,类似关系数据库的数据。但是,我想它们都不足以满足复杂的超图。


[chronological], me as well. Among the most generic UIs that I've seen so far, are that of dynalist for unstructured data, and airtable for structured (tabular), relational-database-like data. However, neither of them are good enough for complex hypergraphs, I suppose.

It may be something like a power-mode extension for chromium :)

顺便说一句,假设每个协议都由应用程序本身定义,并且协议只是某些常见应用程序的模式(think,aMule和“ ed2k://”,Telegram和“ tg://”等),以及考虑到运行WebAssembly的浏览器的总体趋势,即允许在Web浏览器上运行任何应用程序,这些应用程序自然会在浏览器窗口中得到支持。


Btw., assuming that each protocol is defined by the application itself, and protocols are simply the patterns of certain common applications (think, aMule and ed2k://, Telegram and tg://, etc.), and considering the general trend of browser running WebAssembly, that will allow to run any applications on web browser, those applications could naturally become supported in browser windows.

This is ok, but that means making browser more heavy as a client in general, and I'm not sure if this is what we want. Another, is through building clients to support browsing resources all of those protocols, as a "browser" plugin.