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SolarPunk Future

How could we imagine the future and describe it in detail in our stories?

YAML [编辑]

Solarpunk is a science fiction genre about positive dream futures vs the end of the world. Storytelling evokes emotion and thus motivates behaviour towards that future. So, creating positive stories is important, it helps to bring those imaginary futures into a reality.

I wonder, how to imagine the futures in detail now?

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昨天我有一个有趣的想法,我自己也不明白:“如果时间是一个循环,如果我们现在知道宇宙的语言,我们现在就可以和未来交谈!”所以这是开始探索 Solarpunk 的创意提示😀

Yesterday I had an entertaining thought which I don't understand myself: "if time is a looping circle, and if we know the language of the universe now, we can talk to future now!" So this is a creative prompt to start exploring solarpunk 😀

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 


// 我有一个有趣的想法,我自己也不明白:“..我们现在可以和未来谈谈了!” //


我曾经遇到过KEO(时间胶囊)项目,它鼓励我写信给未来,这是我的尝试:[KEO-message.txt] (https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mindey/4842697b80219c392872c62c923593e6/raw/da7a5788c7ac47dd0621ec743d5d5814444769d2/KEO-message.txt 15 年前)。

// I had an entertaining thought which I don't understand myself: "..we can talk to future now!" //

Indeed. The ancients like Aristotle, Plato, Democritus, etc. perhaps did not imagine that they are writing their works for someone to read thousands of years into the future -- they probably were thinking that they are writing practical things for the current or next generation or education of the next generation, without the intent of it to be messages to the distant future, just like most people these days do not think of writing on-line as a form of writing for the future. However, the long-lasting web projects make us realize that this is the case.

I have once came around the KEO (time capsule)project, that encouraged me to write to the future, here's my attempt: KEO-message.txt (written more than 15 years ago).

    : Ruta
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    :  -- 







I intend to use this puzzle to research and discover methods for imaginative storytelling and then use these storytelling methods to create solarpunk art. All commenters - before posting, could you please think - does my comment help this puzzle reach a conclusion?

Thank you!


为了回答这个话题而不是 Mindeys 时间胶囊文本文档,抱歉 Ruta 离题了。



To answer the topic and not Mindeys time capsule text document, sorry Ruta for that digression.

I have often wondered why all our storytelling narratives - science fiction, video games, films are so dystopian rsfher than utopian.

I want to see utopian films about societies that are different to ours. That are perfect like heaven.

    :  -- 
    : Ruta
    :  -- 





— 沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯

I think of the Bauhaus as the futurists who turned intention into pedagogy, practices, designs, artifacts, and architecture. They turned intention into the modern world. Now that we live in a postmodern world, we are thinking through the errors and mistakes in our designs and iterating on those designs with incremental changes to the way we live modern life. We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.

A letter to the future in the form of a manifesto:

“Let us then create a new guild of craftsmen without the class distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist! Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.”

— Walter Gropius

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 


思考,如果 Future 只是 Now 的延伸,我们可能会有相同的需求,但解决方案会有所不同。所以想象未来就是观察现在。我们有什么需求——我们的环境中有哪些元素——比如住房、交通、工作、教育等?那么,这些元素在未来会是什么样子呢?可能它们将由不同的成分组成:具有不同的特征并基于不同的价值观进行开发。说,住房可能不会是一个方形的盒子,而是更多的关于亲生物的设计,或者相反——别的东西。如何在这里包含多样性?这些值可能是什么?一个调色板!有些将是有机的、生态的、综合的;一些 - 较深的色调。



thinking, if Future is just an extension of Now, we probably will have the same Needs, but Solutions will be different. So to imagine the future is about observing now. What needs do we have - what elements are in our environment - like housing, transportation, work, education, etc.? Then, what would these elements look like in the future? Probably they will be made of different ingredients: have different features and be developed on a different set of values. Say, housing likely won't be a square box, but be more about biophilic design or in contrary - something else. How to include diversity here? What could these values be? A palette! Some will be organic, ecologic, integrative; some - darker shades.

So imagination is about augmentation.

Also, to me it seems that exploring a transitional phase from Now to Future is interesting. Where would all current buildings, things, stuff go? How would current materials/things be composted, transformed into future objects? Also, how our human identitied would transform into perceptions of the future?

未来实际上并不存在,而是在现在的每一个决定或想法之后刷新并发生。我们生活在一个因果宇宙中——宇宙中的每一次变化都会对下一个状态产生影响。因此,您可以通过了解每个粒子做出的所有有意识的决定来运行宇宙直至完成。你的咖啡杯是有意识的。 “现在”像节奏一样反复刷新。每个其他存在都可以做出决定以对您的决定做出反应。所以过去现在和未来同时发生,一起发生。就像一个事件。这就是永恒存在于每一秒之间的方式。对宇宙的每一次影响都会创建一个单独的时间线,该时间线符合该决定。那是你的记忆。每一个你都是真实的自己。我认为遭受痛苦或有痛苦的人将其融入他们的生活,以服务于一些更伟大的经历或目的。上帝是好的,他不会无缘无故地让我们受苦。我们甚至可能给自己带来痛苦。我真的相信每个人都能得到他们想要的东西,并相信这是真的。换句话说,每个人都会得到他们的想法和决定的后果。

这就是上帝如何向你展示你的[自己的葬礼](https://www.iands.org/research/nde-research/nde-archives31/newest-accounts/1515-following-motorcycle-accident-man-has-vision -of-his-own-funeral.html)当您决定是留在世界上完成您的使命还是死在世界上并在这里完成您的精神成长使命时,这是一种濒临死亡的体验。



我希望上班不需要旅行。我的住处应该离我工作的地方有 5-10 分钟的路程。所以这意味着密集的生活安排。

我希望将计算机计算用于对社会有益的目的,这就是我为普通人创建计算类别的原因。我希望桌面计算、自托管和网络的复兴变得更好。我希望组织为个人进行管理和必要的工作 - 组织家庭事务和提供食品配送。人们不必浪费时间购买必需品。有人需要组织从有机农场到人们住宅或公共厨房的食品运输。




Future doesn't actually exist but is refreshed and happens after every decision or thought in the now. We live in a cause and effect universe - every change in the universe gives the effect for the next state. So you can run the universe to completion by knowing all the conscious decisions each particle makes. Your coffee mug is conscious. "Now" is refreshed repeatedly like a rhythm. Every other being gets to make a decision to react to your decision. So past present and future happen all at once, together. Like one event. This is how eternity exists between each second. Every effect on the universe creates a separate timeline that is true to that decision. That's your memory. Every you is true to yourself. I think people who suffer or have pain have it incorporated into their lives to serve some greater experience or purpose. God is good he doesn't make us suffer for no reason. We might even cause the suffering to ourselves. I truly believe everybody gets what they want and believe to be true. In other words, everybody gets the consequences of their thoughts and decisions.

This is how God can show you your own funeral a near death experience when you get to decide whether to stay in the world and fulfil your mission or die in the world and complete your mission here for spiritual growth.

This is why imagining the future and defining what we want is so important to getting what we want. We need to visualize what we want to the universe so that the universe gives it to us.

What you imagine or think is a noumenon. It's a real object that can be interacted with and perceived in the spiritual plane.

I want travel to be unnecessary to get to work. My living quarters should be 5-10 minutes away from my work place. So this implies a dense living arrangement.

I want computer computation to be used for socially beneficial purposes that's why I created the category for computation for normal people. I want a resurgence of desktop computing, self hosting and the web to get better. I want organisations doing administration and necessary work for individuals - organising things of the home and supplying food deliveries. People don't have to waste their time shopping for essentials. Someone needs to organise food transport from organic farms to people's houses or communal kitchens.

I had a dream as a child of an island with an underground railway system which was concentric circles. The idea being you could travel around the circle easily. I never did solve the problem of going more central than going around laterally. You live your life as if in a particular ring.

We need more readily available cruelty free food so meat free, more vegetarian recipes/dishes. Each chicken and cow is a loving being.

Imagine a world where hotels and housing is free and you can live where you want.