上级分类: 技术软件计算机学



With current online video-conferencing tools it's not possible to form smaller groups within one call room. When we meet a group of people face to face we have multiple conversations at the same time. During Skype or Hangouts calls, or webinars we cannot form smaller groups but have to listen to one person talking.


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是的,我喜欢一种在通话中向其他人“耳语”的方式(如音频 DM),以及一种向其他人发出我们正在解构主要话题的离散方式。 这可以用于我所说的“建设性讽刺”——作为一种突破权威的神圣外衣的方式,从而发现国王什么时候没有衣服。

Yes, I would love a way to 'whisper' to other people in the call (like an audio DM), and a discrete way to signal to others that we are deconstructing the main topic. This could be used for what I call "constructive sarcasm" - as a way to break through the sacred mantle of authority and so discover when the king has no clothes.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 
