上级分类: Distributed computing

Decentralisation with P2P software

How can we use Peer 2 peer software to accomplish distribution


Centralisation maximizes the chance people will use your software. The problem is that it's brittle and not really fair for the people who have to maintain it on servers they pay for or maintain by themselves.

We could have a federated platform for distribution of processing and data storage. This category is to cover ideas related to decentralisation.

I recommend the decentralise community redecentralize for ideas on decentralisation


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Yeah, this is definitely an important category, and a link. Will have to describe a few ideas here, that are on other places or within the mind.

我认为 Kademlia 的想法在今天仍然适用。


分布式键值存储可以作为存储后端(如 SQL 数据库)的基础。我已经在 https://GitHub.com/samsquire/hash-db 上演示了使用键值存储作为 SQL 后端

我不想用它来共享像受版权保护的音乐和电影之类的大文件,而是用作 0oo.li 或 DAO 等应用程序的后端。

Kademlia 或分发的一个问题是安全性。我们遇到了不良演员和垃圾邮件发送者的问题。因此,我们需要某种信任系统网络,这样您的应用就不会因垃圾邮件而过载。我们可以通过将主机标记为受信任来验证主机,然后我们看到它们的内容来实现这一点。这样,没有人可以强迫您存储垃圾邮件。如果您看到垃圾邮件,则取消验证服务器,您的视图将返回到非垃圾邮件。每个人都拥有自己的信息。

I think the ideas of Kademlia are still relevant today.


A distributed key value store can be the basis of a storage backend such as a SQL database. I have demonstrated use of keyvalue storage as SQL backend on https://GitHub.com/samsquire/hash-db

I don't want to use this to share big files like copyrighted music and films but as a backend for apps like 0oo.li or DAOs.

One problem of Kademlia or distribution is security. We have a problem of bad actors and spammers. So we need some sort of web of trust system so your app isn't overloaded with spam. We can achieve this by verifying hosts by marking them as trusted and then we see their content. This way nobody can force you to store spam. If you see spam, you unverify the server and your view goes back to nonspam. Everybody hosts their own information.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 


安全,准确地说。没有办法安全地运行社区模块。确保安全的唯一方法是同行评审系统。传统的安全模型是一个专有边界系统。阿拉的,那些业主被证明不值得信赖,因为该计划缺乏透明度。 我将针对这个主题开始一个单独的主题,并非常感谢其他人的意见,但我看到了发展不列颠哥伦比亚省经济的解决方案,其中审阅者为他们的服务和经济的一部分付费,确保代码质量。当然,评论者及其评论的质量存在问题,等等。

Security, precisely. There's no way to run a community module safely. The only way to ensure security is a system of peer review. The traditional security model is a system of proprietary boundaries. Alla's, those proprietors proven not to be trustworthy, for the scheme lacks transparency. I'll start a separate thread on the subject and would really appreciate to hear from others, but I see the solution in developing a bc economy where reviewers are paid for their services and part of the economy, ensuring quality of code. Of course, there's an issue of quality of reviewers and their reviews, and on and on.

运行不可信的代码与查询不可信的数据源是一个不同的问题。一种很容易验证 - 只需将不良数据的来源标记为不可信,并且不要将其包含在计算中。您可以在每条数据旁边都有一个按钮来指示数据的来源。因此,您可以一键轻松阻止或过滤掉服务器的数据。

我怀疑可以创建某种形式的虚拟机来限制任意代码执行的数据处理原语。如果您有一种简单的语言可以进行数学运算并调用有限的运行时间。只读 SQL 查询可以安全运行。写入查询(例如删除和插入)应转到应用程序主机服务器。您将在运行时限制通信伙伴,因此无法产生任意流量。您可能希望将循环执行与数据查询联系起来,以便无法运行任意繁忙循环。

Running untrustworthy code is a different problem from querying untrusted sources of data. One is easy to verify - just mark the source of bad data as untrustworthy and do not include it in calculations. You could have a button next to every piece of data to indicate the data's source. So you can easily block or filter out a server's data with one click.

I suspect some form of virtual machine can be created to limit the primitives of data processing for arbitrary code execution. If you had a simple language that can do mathematical operations and call out to a limited runtime. Read-only SQL queries can be safe to run. Write queries such as delete and insert should go to the app host server. You would have communication partners be limited in the runtime so arbitrary traffic cannot be produced. You may want to tie loop execution to data queries so arbitrary busy loops cannot run.

添加了一个指向 dfinity 互联网计算机的链接,该计算机具有自己的运行时和语言。 https://dfinity.org/

Have added a link to dfinity the internet computer which has its own runtime and language. https://dfinity.org/