The Paradox of the Economy

Everything you buy needs to pay for all the salaries and costs of and needs of everyone involved in producing the good. This relationship is recursive. As they each need that from everyone they buy from. So how can there be enough money for everyone? And others need you to do things for them as part of your work


I'll explicate my theory why I think the economy is a paradox that only functions due to collective mania.

When you buy a loaf of bread that revenues of that loaf of bread needs to pay the cost of everyone's food, shelter and bills and car and petrol and electricity and car insurance and road tax and tax in the manufacture of that bread. (For all the employees of that bread company)

You also need to pay all these costs for yourself too.

So where does all that money come from? Money comes from work and is created by debt. The only limitless supply is work. But money is limited in circulation based on how much debt is created that is loaned out to businesses as money is printed by central banks to buy assets or as mortgages when private banks create money

Everyone needs bread. So the person who sells bread needs to buy bread also. So the poorest people need to buy bread and the rich people need to buy bread.

So do you see the paradox? How can it work at all if we all need to supply everyone we buy things with all the things we need also. So all the costs we need we also need to provide that with the money we exchange in exchange for bread, food and all those costs to the people that provide those costs of things we need.

In other words we are all forced to work to provide for everyone we need things from and it's recursive. There's never enough money for this so some people shall always be poor and go without.

So how is there ever enough money? As everyone needs to provide for everyone else.


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