上级分类: 金融



Multiple bank account users like an individual with several business accounts cannot use online banking anymore. Because banks force consumers to tie a phone number with a bank account through a bank mobile app. One phone allows one login to the same banking app though.

Problem questions are: 1. How to have multiple bank accounts from the same bank on one phone? 2. What alternative solutions could banks implement for identifying consumers securely in a user-friendly way?


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由于这是与应用程序开发本身联系在一起的,因此我们在应用程序开发框架级别上最好为它提供支持。而且,可能最好不要在应用程序级别上支持它,而是在浏览器配置文件级别或电话用户级别上支持它,并允许用户之间非常轻松地切换,甚至允许多个用户登录同一电话同时获取所有相关信息。原因是,现在每个应用程序开发人员都在应用程序级别上自己重新设计解决方案-Google可以采用一种方法,Telegram可以采用另一种方法,等等。 。

Since this is something tied to app development itself, it is something that we'd ideally support at the app development frameworks level. And, probably it's better to support it not at the app level, but at the browser profile level, or phone user level, and allow very easy switching between users, or even -- allowing to be logged in with multiple users to the same phone at the same time, to get all pertinent information. Cause, now every app developer is reinventing the solution to this on their own at the app level --- Google has one way, Telegram has another way, etc. Mobile banks being often less tech-savy, don't implement it at all.