解决: WikiResearch

X-Risk Project P&L: 0 (≃ 0 CNY)


A site that focuses on multi-lingual research of AI.

currently: Someone with skills, server resources.

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决定先与Drupal一起尝试,因为Drupal alrady具有所有必需的功能。例如,多语言界面,多语言翻译,mathjax的轻松添加等。因此,只需安装它,然后看看它如何使人们讨论MIRI和其他地方的数学论文。



Decided to try it with Drupal first, because Drupal alrady has all the needed functionality. E.g., multilingual interface, multilingual translations, easy addition of mathjax, etc. So, just install it, and see how it works for people to discuss math papers from MIRI and elsewhere.

Just for a reference: https://www.drupal.org/developing/api/8/render/pipeline

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