问题: Privacy

Data hub


Personal data stored on user's own machine, accessed by API


To keep data safe and secure, it is only stored on the user's machine. When a third party service wants some information, it requests it from the user's machine where it can be traced and attested.


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是的,但是如何设计这样的API。例如,Tim Berners的Lee等的Solid。等正在努力实现类似目标。诸如GunJS之类的替代P2P方法正在尝试实现基于本地存储的分散式浏览器浏览器,但是,可以通过堆栈中提供的加密来实现隐私。另一种方法是OAuth2.0,它已经通过提供一种生成许可权令牌的方式,实现了对机器或网络中所有类型的API的通用许可。它解决了任何互联网用户可能拥有的众多资源的复杂问题。那么,既然人们已经使用了这个想法,那么这个想法将如何有助于解决隐私问题?这个“数据中心”实际上将如何运作?

Right, but how would such API be designed. For example, Solid by Tim Berners' Lee et. al. are trying to achieve something like that. Alternative P2P approaches, like GunJS are trying to realize something of a browser LocalStorage-based decentralized database, where, however, privacy can be achieved through encryption provided within the stack. Another approach is the OAuth2.0, that already realizes the universal permissioning on all kind of APIs within a machine or a network, by providing a way to generate permission tokens. It solves the complicated matters of a multitude of resources that any internet user may have.

So, being that people already use this idea, how would this idea contribute to the solution of the privacy problem? How would this "Data hub" actually function?

我在想一些很简单的事情。我们在浏览器/手机中为datahub注册了一个数据处理程序:/ url链接URL必须包含所请求的datahub:名字,姓氏,电子邮件,dob,http:// returnaddress,然后返回地址将与该datahub中的数据进行ping通。

I'm thinking of some thing very simple.

We register a data handler in browser/mobile phone for datahub:/ url links

The URL must contain what's requested


Then the return address gets pinged with the data from the datahub.


If we want it to be part of backend processing, such as a corporations backend processing or whenever they happen to require the data, they will need to be a server side component. Or an intermediary.

The intermediary would have a connection over VPN or zerotier, a link to the user's device where the data can be requested.

The intermediary can be authenticated via OAuth.