Raising awareness of Infinity family

How do we bring people toward Infinity family?


We need members to use Infinity family to create a buzzing marketplace.


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也许通过使其成为一个协作数据项目?我注意到许多注重影响力的组织倾向于使用电子表格来组织他们的数据和层次结构,这主要是谷歌表格或 Airtable。我已经将 Infinity 的数据与 Google Sheets 和 Airtable 进行了同步。但是,我在设置消息代理之前暂停了同步,以避免它们减慢站点的运行速度。此外,我认为,最好使用开源 BaseRow 来代替 Google Sheets 和 Airtable 进行数据协作。我认为,将 Infinity 打造成一个协作数据项目对于将更多精通技术的人和组织聚集到 Infinity Family 中非常有用。让用户能够将数据源(如爬网和 API 集成)连接到这个共享的项目数据池以进行推理,这是 Infinity 达到相关性所需的东西,就像 Wikipedia 所做的那样。我认为 Infinity 有“维基百科”之类的。

// 热闹的市场。

在对新人的价值主张中,可能有一群常客(如发明评估员),他们对新问题、新想法提出建设性的批评。我认为,这可以开始使用专门的 Telegram 渠道来实现,并带来利益相关方:我们应该邀请专利局的员工吗? :)

Perhaps by making it a collaborative data project? I've noticed that many impact-focused organizations tend to use spreadsheets to organize their data and hierarchies, which is -- mostly Google Sheets, or Airtable. I had made synchronization of data of Infinity with Google Sheets and Airtable. However, I have paused the synchronization after until I set up message-broker to avoid them slowing down the site's operation. Additionally, I think, instead of Google Sheets and Airtable, it would be good to use open source BaseRow for collaboration on data. I think, making Infinity into a collaborative data project is essential for making it useful for bringing more tech-savvy people and organizations together to the Infinity Family. Accomodating users with the ability to connect data sources (like crawls and API integrations) to this shared data pool of items to reason with, are among the things needed for Infinity to reach relevance, like Wikipedia had. I think of Infinity has "Wikipedia for Doing" of sorts.

// buzzing marketplace.

Among the value propositions to newcomers may be, that there's a bunch of regulars (like invention evaluators), who give constructive critique to new questions, ideas. I think, that can begin to realized using dedicated Telegram channels, and bringing the interested parties: should we invite employees of patent offices? :)

好电话[按时间顺序]!对我来说,Infinity 似乎是为那些喜欢在一天中花费数小时来思考、阅读、评论和写作的特定类型的人准备的。例如:


好奇的评论员:喜欢阅读各种主题并分享评论和见解的人,如博客评论员、LinkedIn 评论员、Reddit 评论员等。


我这么说是因为我邀请了一些朋友加入 Infinity Family 但他们不使用它 :) 所以我意识到他们可能没有这样的爱好来花几个小时思考和组织思考。

然后根据我的设计工作,我意识到每项技术都是为喜欢特定行为的特定类型的人而设计的,而在 Infinity Family 的案例中,这种行为似乎首先是思考和写作。


Good call [chronological]! To me it seems that Infinity is for a certain type of people who love spending hours of their day simply to think, read, comment, write. For example:

Non-Linear Thinkers: People who enjoy thinking about multiple interests, exploring various topics, reading books, bookmarking, collecting notes and writing thoughts down like researchers, bloggers, journalists.

Curious Commentators: People who enjoy reading about various topics and sharing comments and insights, like blog commentators, LinkedIn commentators, Reddit commentators, etc.

Accounting-Loving Doers: People who love documenting their creative efforts, perhaps people interested in lifelogging, quantified self, open project management, perhaps people who use Wikipedia, librariars, project and product managers, etc.

I'm saying this because I invited some friends to Infinity Family but they don't use it :) So I realise they probably don't have such a hobby to spend hours thinking and organising thinking.

Then based on my design work I realised that every technology is for a certain type of people who enjoy certain behaviours, and in Infinity Family case this behaviour seems to be thinking and writing first.

So, where do we find those thinkers first? Let's explore and invite ;)

我当时在想,对我来说,Infinity 系列的功能即使在 MVP 阶段之后也是完整的,因为它是用来开发自己的。

我们需要大学项目、社区和社会企业以及初创公司使用 Infinity 系列来跟踪其地理区域和黑客空间的事物。

我认为 /r/side 项目和 Product Hunt 上的 Reddit 帖子,Kickstarter 应该是启动 Infinity 系列的地方。

但所有这些都需要大量的努力来创建原始提案。 Product Hunt 需要一个高质量的信息页面来记录产品。 Kickstarter 需要管理任务。

I was thinking that to me Infinity family is feature complete even past the MVP stage as it is used to develop itself.

We need University projects and community and social enterprises and startups using Infinity family to track things for their geographic region and hackerspaces.

I think a Reddit post on /r/side projects and Product Hunt, Kickstarter should be places to launch Infinity family.

But all these requires a lot of effort to create the original proposal. Product Hunt expects a high quality information page documenting the product. Kickstarter requires administration tasks.



我相信事物的社会创造是未来。如果有足够多的人使用 Infinity 系列,未来可能会如此惊人。


I completely agree with you Ruta.

I enjoy talking of ideas and thoughts until I get comfortable and have faith in the idea enough to work on it.

I believe social creation of things is the future. The future could be so amazing with enough people using Infinity family.

I might fit more into the "Curious Commentators" group of your typology more than the other groups at this time due to health problems. But I am sure if the right idea came along I would be capable of adding to the project or starting the project. I feel I hast yet to enter in an in depth talk on a subject how things would or should work and I am eager to hear other people's thoughts and feelings

我可以看到 Infinity 家庭协作数据平台的价值。我自己想要 P2P 数据存储 API 或平台。如果上帝愿意,我会花一些时间来解决这个问题。


委员会对想法很危险,因为它们会削弱任何一个成员的影响力,并试图同时解决许多个人的品味和偏好。但是这些委员会、工作组和 RFC 的成果是互联网标准和各种互联网协议。而其他 API 协议平台则是一个人的努力,例如 Bit Torrent 和比特币。

I can see the value in collaborative data platform for Infinity family. I myself want P2P data storage APIs or platforms. If God wills it I wilt spend some time working on this problem.

I kind of see half bakery as a talking platform for ideas that aren't completely serious. But there are good ideas on there. But there's no real agreement on how to take ideas further and keep the talking of the ideas going.

Committees are dangerous to ideas as they cause dilution of any one member's influence and try to solve many individuals tastes and preferences at once. But the outcome of these committees and working groups and RFCs is the Internet Standards and various internet protocols. Whereas other APIs protocols platforms are one man efforts such as Bit Torrent and Bitcoin.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 






I feel the more vibrations spin within the core circle, the energies and resonance created will pull like-minded or "like-eyed" peops in...

my 2 cents...

thats as a forum...

As a marketplace... I hope to come back and write ideas... as I love marketplace thinkings... exchange, transactions, value creation, value sharing... sustainability, "growing" as a verb...